Annual Systems Reports

Please contact CVEC for a copy of a Report :



CVEC’s PROJECTS as of 6.30.23 CVEC PV Round Type of Project Commercial Operation or Status as of 12.1.22
Barnstable High School C-7 Behind-the-Meter (BTM) 8.23.10
Bourne Middle School C-7 BTM 4.30.10
Brewster Eddy Elementary C-7 BTM 7.16.10
Brewster Stoney Brook Elementary C-7 BTM 7.16.10
Eastham DPW C-7 BTM 2.25.10
Eastham Elementary C-7 BTM 2.27.10
Harwich Elementary C-7 BTM 7.22.10
Barnstable  Landfill   1 1 Cash out No Offtakers (OT) 9.15.14
Barnstable  Landfill   2 1 Cash out No OT 9.15.14
Brewster Capped Landfill 1 Cash out No OT 9.15.14
Chatham Capped Landfill 1 Cash out No OT 9.29.14
Eastham Landfill 1 NMC w OT 4.23.14
Edgartown Katama Farms Landfill 1 Cash out No OT 6.6.14
Edgartown Nunnepog Landfill 1 Cashout w OT 6.6.14
Harwich Capped Landfill 1 Cash out w OT 8.1.14
Tisbury Capped Landfill 1 Cash out w OT 7.29.14
Barnstable Cape Cod Gateway Airport 2 Cashout w OT 4.3.15
Barnstable Fire District 2 NMC w OT 4.21.15
Barnstable Senior Center 2 BTM 12.2.14
Barnstable High School 2 BTM 10.8.14
West Villages School 2 BTM 10.8.14
Bourne Community Center 2 BTM 8.30.14
Chatham  Police Station 2 BTM 8.30.14
Chatham Town Hall Annex 2 BTM 8.30.14
DYRSD High School Ground Mount 2 NMC w OT 4.14.15
DYRSD  High Roof Mount 2 NMC w OT 3.16.15
DYRSD Wixon School 2 NMC w OT 12.8.14
DYRSD ME Small School 2 NMC w OT 2.27.15
DYRSD Mattacheese School 2 BTM 12.16.14
DYRSD Ezra Baker School 2 BTM 8.30.14
Orleans Capped Landfill 2 NMC w OT 5.15.15
Provincetown Transfer Station 2 BTM 12.15.14
West Tisbury  Landfill 2 NMC w OT 1.5.15
Provincetown VMCC 3 BTM 7.1.2020
Provincetown WTP 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Oak Bluffs Fire Station 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Eastham Library 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Chatham Fire Station 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Yarmouth Fire Station #1 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Yarmouth Fire Station #3 3 BTM 1.1.2020
Brewster Golf Course Park Lot 4 Lease Only (LO) 3.22.22
Brewster Driving Range 4 LO 8.16.21
Harwich Cranberry Valley Golf GM & Cart 4 BTM 7.21.21
Monomoy RSD Harwich High School 4 BTM 3.12.21
Oak Bluffs Elementary School 4 BTM 6.14.22
Sandwich Police Station 4 BTM 1.11.21
Sandwich Oakridge School 4 BTM Eversource Study
Sandwich Forestdale School 4 BTM Eversource Study
Yarmouth Parcel E 4 BTM Eversource Study
Chatham Police Station Canopy 5 SAL Under construction
Chatham Recreation Center 5 BTM Under construction
Nauset RSD Harwich Middle School 5 BTM 5.9.23
Yarmouth Senior Center 5 BTM Under construction
Nexamp 3rd party Cash out w OT
Syncharpha 3rd party Cash out w OT 11.14.16
Future Generation Wind 3rd party Cash out w OT